Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Socio-Economic and Political Conditions in Sparta and Athens After 800 B.C.E.

Ancient Greece was in a pretty bad shape during the period from 1200 to 800 B. C. E, which is referred as the Dark Age of the Greece. Eventually, after 800 B. C. E, Greeks started expanding their empire from the Mediterranean towards east as far as the Black Sea, and towards west as far as the Atlantic Ocean. At this time, two prominent city- states named Athens and Sparta stood as two pillars in the Greek history. Although these two city -states are geographically close to each other in Greece, they were rivals and shared many differences.However, some of the social conditions were similar in these two city -states. During the Archaic age (800- 500 B. C. E. ), these two city- states progressed tremendously both politically and economically. Even though the Greeks came out of the Dark Age and were expanding with prosperity, they faced new problems with growing population, hunger, and land shortage. Moreover, their lands were not fertile to feed the needs of the growing population, an d there was turmoil everywhere because of the tyranny of the aristocrats.To improve their economical, social, and political conditions, the Athenians and the Spartans created new political systems, introduced important reforms and stood as the role models in the Greek political development. The Spartans responded to the economic crisis by conquering Messene, their rich neighbor, in 715 B. C. E so that they can add the rich region’s resources. Sparta is a city -state in the southern part of Greece which was under the control of aristocracy. In fact, Sparta’s asset was its powerful military, and it is the protector of Greece.Spartans oppressed the Messenian slaves after their revolt against the Spartans. In order to appease the non- nobles, who demanded equal rights, as they assisted the Spartans in the war, the aristocrats later, reformed the state system to â€Å"Lycurgan regimen. † According to this reform, all Spartans were given equal rights, and the state wa s ruled by two kings with the assistance from the nobles. Taking into consideration the economic situations in Sparta, the Messenian slaves called â€Å"Helots† did all the physical work while the men of Sparta devoted their lives for the military.Boys in their young age were forced into military training. Although family life was important to Spartans, their social life was compromised as men spent much of their lives in the military. So they established close relationships with other men in the military. The main aim of the Spartan men was to be trained as the best infantrymen and sacrifice their lives in the battle. Spartan women were good wives who devoted their lives in bearing children and had rights to own property.In the same way, Athenians implemented law of codes, reforms, and adopted democracy with the help of prominent and thoughtful aristocrats and ascended from the economic and political distress and oppression of the aristocrats. In the late sixth century B. C. E, Draco, an aristocrat, published the first law of code which asserts that law belonged to all citizens, Later, Solon, an aristocrat who became â€Å"archon,† a chief magistrate of Polis, reformed the prevailing social conditions by freeing the slaves, recalling exiles, and made enslavement for debt illegal.He thus introduced democratic ideals into their political system in response to the tyranny of the aristocrats and nobles on small farmers and landowners. Although Athens was under the aristocratic rule in the beginning, it later adopted the democratic form of government under the leadership of a prominent aristocrat named Cleisthenes. Undoubtedly, Athenians were the first to introduce democratic sovereign and legislation with a council (â€Å"Boule†) and an assembly of citizens (â€Å"Ecclesia†). They also developed their infrastructure, and â€Å"Acropolis† clearly reveals their love for architecture.Young boys were not forced into military and wer e given opportunity to excel in education, arts, and other talents. The Athenians enjoyed better social life than the Spartans, and family life was important. Like Spartan men, Athenian men maintained close relationships with other men. Women were confined to giving birth and raising children along with other household chores, and they were considered inferior to men. Unlike the Spartan women, they had less freedom. Even though Athenians adopted democracy, women and slaves have limited rights and were not granted citizenship. Ancient Greeks rose from their dark age in 800 B. C. E.  and started expanding their empire in the neighboring regions.With their progress several economic and social tensions appeared such as population growth, hunger, and food shortage. In response to this economic and social distress, the two city-states, Athens and Sparta, with their own distinctive social structure, developed into two significant political systems. Athenians emphasized not only on firm p olitical development, education, and culture but also on individual freedom and justice. Democracy and legislation with two presiding bodies were introduced into their political system and even the poor were allowed to vote in the election.On the contrary, Spartans focused on training their youth as soldiers and thus strengthened their military. With the military power they conquered their resourceful neighboring region, Messene, and later reformed their state system with two ruling kings and five noble overseers. Their reform system also presented equal rights to all Spartans. The above discussed political and social reforms were necessary for both the city-states at that time of chaos in order to survive. Even though they underwent many deadly conflicts, Athens and Sparta established themselves as prominent city-states in the political development of ancient Greek history. Socio-Economic and Political Conditions in Sparta and Athens After 800 B.C.E. Ancient Greece was in a pretty bad shape during the period from 1200 to 800 B. C. E, which is referred as the Dark Age of the Greece. Eventually, after 800 B. C. E, Greeks started expanding their empire from the Mediterranean towards east as far as the Black Sea, and towards west as far as the Atlantic Ocean. At this time, two prominent city- states named Athens and Sparta stood as two pillars in the Greek history. Although these two city -states are geographically close to each other in Greece, they were rivals and shared many differences.However, some of the social conditions were similar in these two city -states. During the Archaic age (800- 500 B. C. E. ), these two city- states progressed tremendously both politically and economically. Even though the Greeks came out of the Dark Age and were expanding with prosperity, they faced new problems with growing population, hunger, and land shortage. Moreover, their lands were not fertile to feed the needs of the growing population, an d there was turmoil everywhere because of the tyranny of the aristocrats.To improve their economical, social, and political conditions, the Athenians and the Spartans created new political systems, introduced important reforms and stood as the role models in the Greek political development. The Spartans responded to the economic crisis by conquering Messene, their rich neighbor, in 715 B. C. E so that they can add the rich region’s resources. Sparta is a city -state in the southern part of Greece which was under the control of aristocracy. In fact, Sparta’s asset was its powerful military, and it is the protector of Greece.Spartans oppressed the Messenian slaves after their revolt against the Spartans. In order to appease the non- nobles, who demanded equal rights, as they assisted the Spartans in the war, the aristocrats later, reformed the state system to â€Å"Lycurgan regimen. † According to this reform, all Spartans were given equal rights, and the state wa s ruled by two kings with the assistance from the nobles. Taking into consideration the economic situations in Sparta, the Messenian slaves called â€Å"Helots† did all the physical work while the men of Sparta devoted their lives for the military.Boys in their young age were forced into military training. Although family life was important to Spartans, their social life was compromised as men spent much of their lives in the military. So they established close relationships with other men in the military. The main aim of the Spartan men was to be trained as the best infantrymen and sacrifice their lives in the battle. Spartan women were good wives who devoted their lives in bearing children and had rights to own property.In the same way, Athenians implemented law of codes, reforms, and adopted democracy with the help of prominent and thoughtful aristocrats and ascended from the economic and political distress and oppression of the aristocrats. In the late sixth century B. C. E, Draco, an aristocrat, published the first law of code which asserts that law belonged to all citizens, Later, Solon, an aristocrat who became â€Å"archon,† a chief magistrate of Polis, reformed the prevailing social conditions by freeing the slaves, recalling exiles, and made enslavement for debt illegal.He thus introduced democratic ideals into their political system in response to the tyranny of the aristocrats and nobles on small farmers and landowners. Although Athens was under the aristocratic rule in the beginning, it later adopted the democratic form of government under the leadership of a prominent aristocrat named Cleisthenes. Undoubtedly, Athenians were the first to introduce democratic sovereign and legislation with a council (â€Å"Boule†) and an assembly of citizens (â€Å"Ecclesia†). They also developed their infrastructure, and â€Å"Acropolis† clearly reveals their love for architecture.Young boys were not forced into military and wer e given opportunity to excel in education, arts, and other talents. The Athenians enjoyed better social life than the Spartans, and family life was important. Like Spartan men, Athenian men maintained close relationships with other men. Women were confined to giving birth and raising children along with other household chores, and they were considered inferior to men. Unlike the Spartan women, they had less freedom. Even though Athenians adopted democracy, women and slaves have limited rights and were not granted citizenship.Ancient Greeks rose from their dark age in 800 B. C. E.  and started expanding their empire in the neighboring regions. With their progress several economic and social tensions appeared such as population growth, hunger, and food shortage. In response to this economic and social distress, the two city-states, Athens and Sparta, with their own distinctive social structure, developed into two significant political systems. Athenians emphasized not only on firm p olitical development, education, and culture but also on individual freedom and justice. Democracy and legislation with two presiding bodies were introduced into their political system and even the poor were allowed to vote in the election.On the contrary, Spartans focused on training their youth as soldiers and thus strengthened their military. With the military power they conquered their resourceful neighboring region, Messene, and later reformed their state system with two ruling kings and five noble overseers. Their reform system also presented equal rights to all Spartans. The above discussed political and social reforms were necessary for both the city-states at that time of chaos in order to survive. Even though they underwent many deadly conflicts, Athens and Sparta established themselves as prominent city-states in the political development of ancient Greek history.

Continuing Nursing Education Essay

Programming of a professional course in nursing is joint responsibility of the director of continuing nursing education & the Dean of school of nursing. Formal channels of communication make the optimal use of the nursing faculty to explore the needs of continuing nursing education. Faculty involvement & provision of advisory committee is highly desirable. To assess the effectiveness of the programme. To what extent pre-set goals have been achieved. To assess the applicability of training in the field. For quality control or qualitative improvement. Procedure for evaluation: Pre-test & post-test. Attitude tests. Observation of skills. Questionnaire. Audio or video tapes. National Literacy Mission (1988): To impart functional literacy to non-literates of 15-35 yrs of age group. Program of action on NPE is given by the Ministry of Human Resource Development; Government of India . According to NPE, Adult Education can be successfully implemented by involving continuing education. The Janshikshan Sansthan is established for clusters of villages with the facilities of library, reading rooms, charcha mandal, community TV set & radio to encourage sub serving the objectives of education. However, continuing education goes beyond post literacy therefore still it is one of the important objectives to be achieved. In-service education is a planned instructional or training program provided by an employing agency in employment setting and is designed to increase competence in a specific area. COMPONENTS : –  Orientation skill training programme. Continuing education programme. Leadership training. Management skills development. Staff development programme. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing (JCEN). Continuing Education & self-assessment of knowledge of nurse leaders :- Andreja Kvas , M.Sc , B.Sc , RN. (DOI:- June 10, 2013; 10.3928/00220124). Neeraja K.P, Textbook of Nursing Education (2003): New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. Abbatt FB, MEJIA A, Continuing Education of Health Workers, A Workshop Manual, (Geneva) World Health Organization. Satija BR, Trends in Education(2003), New Delhi, Anmol Publishers. Continuing education of health workers includes the experiences after initial training which help health care personnel to maintain and improve existing, and acquire new competencies relevant to the performance of their responsibilities. Appropriate continuing education should reflect community needs in health and lead to planned improvements in the health of the community†. Unified Approach Relationships with other systems Comprehensiveness Accessibility for woman health workers Integration with the management process Analysis of needs as a basis for learning continuity Internally coordinated Relevance in planning Credibility and economic Appropriateness in implementation Safe and effective nursing care. Meet the need of the population. Update  the knowledge. Career advancement. Acquire specialized skills of personnel and meet technologic adjuncts. Prepare in administrative and leadership positions. Shape their own destiny. To meet the health needs and public expectations. To develop the practicing abilities of the nurse. Recruitment function. Recognize gaps in their knowledge. To improve the communication between the participants, faculty, community, and health sector. To test the participants ability to do formal academic study. To shape or support university educational policies and practices. To ensure the quality of education. To grant budget for extension studies. To maintain academic standards. To meet educational requirements. Nurse`s philosophy of life, nursing and education, belief, etc. will influence the philosophy of continuing nursing education. It focuses on individual learner. The thoughtful teacher recognizes that one`s philosophy of education is always an emerging one, rather than a static one. Learning must be a continuous process throughout the lifespan, not limited to formal courses of study. Nursing is based on knowledge of the physical and psychological functioning of man within his environment, expanding the knowledge related to man and his dynamic, proliferating fields of operation is of concern. Learner Teacher/ Educator Guide and counselor to the learner. An arranger and organizer of learning experiences. Motivator and an encourager of students. Evaluator of programmes. Involving resources experts for teaching the students. Providing instructional materials. Select and evaluate materials prepared by others. Administrative role (planning, directing, budgeting and evaluation). Public relations role to change the image of nursing and in recognizing the contributions and potentials of nurses. Master`s degree in his area of nursing expertise or with a doctorate in adult education. Credentials with more publications. Writing and organizing skills. A continuing learner. Clinical expertisedness . Depth of nursing knowledge and skill in its application. Interest in the subject, enthusiasm in teaching. Skill in working with adult learners. Adequate knowledge about teaching skills and methods of teaching. Broad base knowledge. Concern for people. Flexibility. Sensitive to group response. Willing to travel. Detailed advance preparation and organization for teaching. Resourcefulness. Determination. Competencies and other characteristics: Competencies and other characteristics Self-confidence. A sense of humour. Broader outlook. A zest for life. An innate curiosity. Love of Adventure. Desire to search the unknown. Interest in self-development and in others development. Provision for school and nursing faculty involvement in planning and teaching the continuing nursing education courses tends to maintain high  educational standards for the programme. An adequate staff is essential to planning, implementing and evaluating a programme which is based on learning needs and which has an impact on the quality of nursing care provided. Responsibilities of the director of continuing nursing education are: -Determination of learning needs of the nurse population. -Development and implementation of a programme to meet these needs. -Evaluation of results. Staff services are required with sufficient talents and numbers to implement the planned programme: – Advisory. -Secretarial. – Administrative. – Supportive – Assistance with research, publicity, questionnaire, evaluation tools, data analysis, computer programming. An advisory committee has to be appointed, which includes: -Faculty members from a variety of areas of nursing practice. -Directors of hospital nursing services. -Representatives from the state licensing authority, health department and voluntary agencies. -Extended care facilities -Hospital association. -Medical and allied health professionals. -Regional medical programme. Other agencies involved in the delivery of health care in the community. The community may serve as a liaison between the school of nursing and the health community and fulfill a communication and public relations function for the university. Continuing nursing education programme may be decentralized or centralized. Decentralization is characterized by programming within each academic department, faculty involved in consultation and surveys with the public interested in their subject field were most knowledgeable about the needs for continuing nursing education. Centralization is characterized by a separate department or extension division. Financial support is by either university grants or self-supporting. Faculty may be assigned to continuing education as a regular part of the normal teaching load, but for periods they will get extra-remuneration or non-university faculty may hired on a contract basis to teach specific courses. A successful continuing nursing education programme is the result of careful and detailed planning. Aspects of continuing nursing education planning: Broad planning by institution and agencies responsible for continuing nursing education. Specific planning by individuals for their own continuing education. Planning is essential to: -Meet the nursing needs. -Use available resources. -Meet needs at all levels i.e., local, state, regional, national, and international. -Avoid duplication and fragmentation of efforts. -Help keep at a minimum any gaps in meeting the continuing education needs of the nurses.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Film Adaptation of One Hundred Years of Solitude Essay

We have reached an age, where most things are done through TV and cinema. It is unfortunate many people do not read many books anymore. People would rather sit for a few hours in a dark room eating popcorn and watching a screen. In my opinion it is necessary for more books to be adapted in films. Some people might argue whether a great book such as Madame Bovary and The Great Gatsby can shine in the same light with a film adaptation. With the film techniques available and the great talent this is very possible. I am a strong believer that watching an excellent movie on Pride and Prejudice or any other literary masterpiece is equal to reading the book. For this reason I have taken on the responsibility of adapting chapter 1 of One Hundred Years of Solitude. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a novel about a family, the Buendias living in a town called Macondo. The novel is postmodern. There are many instances where time jumps around. Along with the postmodernism feel there is also an element of magical realism. The magical realism is where characters can do things that are not possible in real life. In example of this is Remedios’s ability to fly in the air and go away. The elements of postmodern and magical realism make One Hundred Years of Solitude a difficult novel to adapt. For this particular paper I have chosen to adapt chapter 1. Chapter 1 includes flashbacks, magical realism, and the encounters with the gypsies. I have chosen chapter 1 because it includes the elements the novel is based on. The title of my film on One Hundred Years of Solitude is Opportunity. The main reason I have chosen this title because it is rooted in the last sentence of the novel, â€Å"†¦Aureliano Babilonia would finish deciphering the parchments, and that everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned to one hundred year of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth (Gabriel Garcia Marquez 448). In this quote, Marquez discusses how civilization with cease to be if there continues to be the solitude that is outlined in One Hundred Years of Solitude. Because the Buendia was the first attempt at a ‘perfect’ world, I have called it Opportunity, since this family was the first opportunity at the ‘utopia’. By adapting chapter 1 of One Hundred Years of Solitude I hope to show that a film can be just as or better than the novel it is based on. One Hundred Years of Solitude is an excellent choice for a film because more and more, films are becoming postmodern and One Hundred Years of Solitude is a prime example of postmodernism. Also, this film would serve as a great tool to show the history of Latin America, as it is a microcosm of it..

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Strategy - merger and acquisition Essay

Business Strategy - merger and acquisition - Essay Example On the other hand, increased competition is likely to persuade firms to explore various channel alternatives available to them in an attempt to extend their coverage. For Able Corporation, identification of new opportunities may or may not mean their giving up their traditional lines of distribution. Much depends on whether the new system is seen as being innovative. If the firm sees potential benefits accruing from adopting a distribution system which does not fit with those currently used by competing firms in the market, it is likely that they will test these in conjunction with the tried and tested methods currently under use. Mergers and acquisition policy is undoubtedly the most radical growth strategy open to management in that it represents a deliberate attempt to change the nature of the business. Acquisition policy can be further classified into backward, forward and horizontal integration. Acquisition policy occurs when the new business is related in some way to the old on e. Firms have sought to gain greater control over the source of raw materials or the supply of components by some form of backward integration. The main strategy for Able Corporation is to improve its market position and increase market share based on the strategy developed by the President. The new strategy is a logical development of the solutions and corporate vision adopted by the President. Today, Able Corporation needs a strong partner to compete on the market and Walden International will help it to increase market share and remain competitive (Bridges 2003). The second step is to show financial and business opportunities proposed by the merger with Walden International. Investment decisions should be carefully examined by both firms because investment are long run decisions where consumption and investment alternatives are balanced overtime. There are many similarities between short-run and long-run decision making, for example, the choice between alternatives, the need to consider future costs and revenues and the importance of incremental changes in costs and revenues but there is the additional requirement for investment decisions that, because of the time scale involved, the time value of the money invested must be considered. The time scale also makes the consideration of uncertainty and inflation of even greater importance than when considering short-term decisions. That is why the strategic investment planning process is a series of logical steps that have to be worked through in order to arrive at a logical 'common format' for th e implementation of strategy and marketing plan (Sterman, 2000). Taking into account financial statements of Able Corporation it is evident that the company cannot "capture greater share in the two growing segments of the power tool market" without strong business partner. Also, it is important to take into account that "top management has come to realize that it seriously miscalculated the underlying financial health and market position of Able Corporation" (case study). The third step is to persuade the President that the super-ordinate goal of most businesses is survival and this may only be achieved by pursuing strategies of growth. While it is difficult to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 Assignment

Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 - Assignment Example Subsequently, in the year 2000, two additional protocols to this convention were adopted. The first among these prohibit the engagement of children in military conflicts; whilst the second precludes child prostitution and pornography, and the sale of children. Hence, an examination of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, helped me in assessing the rights accorded to the child, by the nations of the international community, against child labor. Despite adopting this convention, child labor is rampant in most of the nations of the world. The Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which subsequently became the African Union, adopted the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. This transpired in the year 1990. The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child is to a major extent, similar to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It bestows an elaborate system of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights upon children. This charter emerged due to the perception of the African Union that the Convention on the Rights of the Child had failed to address several of the economic and socio-cultural issues that were peculiar to African nations. For instance, this charter unequivocally prohibited the recruitment of individuals, whose age was less than 18 years, and the employment of children in begging. Moreover, the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child provided protection to refugee and internally displaced children. This source helped me to make an evaluation of the prevalence of rights controlling child labor in Sub-Saharan Africa, where child labor is rampant in its most aggravated form. Although the majority of the nations of African subcontinent, implemented the child laws in their legislation, most of it is restricted to formal labor.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Subcultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Subcultures - Essay Example Laughey (2006, pp.29 )has observed that "teenagers used (these) popular arts to search for styles that not only afforded surface but also substantial meaning for their subordinate lives." Here, the usage of the word, 'subordinate' amply represents the common psyche of the age group defined as youth. Laughey (2006, pp.1) poetically hs stated that " music is very often a product of its time -both a reflection of the 'here and now' and a 'recaller' of memories". He (2006, pp.1) also asserts that "music and youth have a special relationship". Laughey (2006, pp.5) has talked about two narrative contexts for music tastes; one is embedded in the family memories and the other in peer group contexts. The youth subculture associates itself with music basically through the here and now element. In a life which is ruled by the dictates of grown ups, thus the youth creates a feeling that they are ahead of all others at least in some aspects like, fashion, which includes popular music. Bennett (2006, pp.106) has said that "pluralistic and shifting sensibilities of style have increasingly characterized youth culture since the post-Second World War period' and theorised them as " temporal gatherings characterized by fluid boundaries and floating memberships". But this temporary nature itself has imparted the youth subculture its very dynamics. Gelder (2005, pp.433) wonders why music often forms the fabric of subcultures as " musica tastes are generally eclectic, more a question of multiple affiliations than any single kind of identification, subcultural or otherwise." But the history of youth subcultures show that musical tastes can be a sign of identification for youth subcultures. A subculture is often distinguished from the broad term, culture, significantly through a new fashion, association with specific musical forms and/or political standpoints. A subculture is also distinct with a strong bonding and tribal mentality among its members. Punks, Ravers, Metalheads, Goths, Gangstas, Emo and Indie are the major youth subcultures that have evolved along a common thread, namely, music. Similarly, Bennett has quoted Cohen (1972) arguing that youth subcultures attempted a 'magical recovery' of community following the breakup of traditional working class neighbourhoods during the 1950s and the relocation of families to 'new towns' and modern housing estates" (Bennett, 2006, pp.106). Youth subculture as a community builder needed an adhesive beyond class, race and other social factors. And this adhesive was, to be sure, music. The punk subculture, which appeared in 1970s, had its identity asserted through music, which included rock n roll and also some other music genres. Members of the punk subculture had a routine of listening to a thunderous and loud version of rock and roll called punk rock. Punk bands performed for the members while the audience also often participated in the music charecterised by shouting and screaming. Punks were thought to be basically having lineages to the left wing and progressive ideologies. The ideologies embedded in punk can rather be more correctly described as promoting individual freedom and propagating anti-establishment views. But the punk viewpoints also ranged from

Friday, July 26, 2019

Mark Rothko Chapel and Diego Rivera Paintings Term Paper

Mark Rothko Chapel and Diego Rivera Paintings - Term Paper Example The paper "Mark Rothko Chapel and Diego Rivera Paintings" discusses Mark Rothko Chapel and Diego Rivera Paintings. Approaching from the south, one would also see a steel sculpture written Broken Obelisk standing in the middle of a pool of water. Inside the building there are painting on a majestic scale which cover each of the eight walls. Little is there to barge in their power, just a few benches, eight to be precise, bare plaster and some few cushions on the floor. It is also amazing that the building appears to have doorways, but don’t lead anywhere, except to a small alcove which has nothing. I also noticed that the building has no modern lights fixed but only illuminated by the skylight from the afternoon sun. What I learnt of the building was that it was designed to house the paintings of Mark Rothko, a Russian abstract expressionist. The Chapel is also considered sacred but a non-denominational place of worship. The fourteen paintings in the Chapel are just astonishing . The paintings are dark, in black hues while others are purplish. I learnt that there is a reason why Rothko did the paintings in this manner. The patron I found in the building explains that they are ‘sort of a window to beyond’. In this regard, she explains that bright colors are meant to stop your vision at the canvas, where dark colors go past. After making a first glance at the paintings, it appeared made of solid, dark colors. A closer look revealed that the paintings are made up of several uneven washes of pigments.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing paper - Essay Example Timex generally targets the younger generation and kids (Hindustan Studies and Service Limited â€Å"Marketing Management†). For example, Timex targeted the active lifestyle with Ironman and Triathlon (Mechanical Science and Engineering, â€Å"Ways of Segmenting Market). Timex Group in their brand portfolio strategy provides their offerings to diverse consumer segments from ‘mass premium to luxury’ and also provides their watches to varied psychographic segments (Timex Group India Ltd, â€Å"Press Releases†). On the other hand, psychographic and demographic profiles of target market of Rolex consist of higher income group consumers who buy the product for status and dignity. The consumers of Rolex are basically the well-off segment of the society (American Management Association, â€Å"Two Examples†). 2.0 Four P’s Marketing of Timex and Rolex in their Websites Objective of Their Website Marketing Strategy The primary objective of website mark eting of Timex is to leverage the brand in order to increase traffic and revenue that comes from its website. The company had put into operation Adobe SearchCenter + along with Adobe SiteCatalyst to boost its performance of website which result in a 35% development in sales conversion and a $5 rise in average order size. Website is utilized to engage customers and make extra sales revenue. It helps customers to purchase difficult-to-find lines or products sold in other countries. Through its online presence, planned to provide customers with complete product information and facilitate them to find the nearest retail outlet, in addition to view and purchase products. In order to reach the objectives, the company decided to find out various ways to enhance traffic to its website and keep consumers engaged on the site for longer period of time, with the definitive goals of lessening abandonment and growing conversions (Timex, â€Å"Challenge†). Similarly, Rolex also de veloped the objectives to make online promotion of its products in order to make people aware of it in the market. The customers can update themselves from the latest available products in the market. They can also purchase the product online as well as acquire the idea of nearest specialty stores from which they can make the purchase (Rolex, â€Å"About Rolex†). Use of Prices Differently in Each Company Timex generally sells comparatively inexpensive watch that focuses on the mass market and on the other hand, the Rolex watches are general highly expensive as they provide importance to quality image of the product (American Management Association. â€Å"Two Examples†). Price Range for Each Brand The brand of Timex are GC= $100(approx); Guess = $30-$117; Marc Ecko = $95-$158; Nautica = $149-$210; Opex = $63-$112; Salvatore Ferragamo= $130-$2170; Timex= $49.95-$109.95; TX = $375 - $725 Valentino Timeless = $1,000 - $15,000; Versace = $1,975 - $4,975 (Timex Group,  "Explore Our Brands†). The brand of Rolex are Datejust = $229, Day Date = $360, Daytona = $229, Submariner = $249 (Watch-Watches.Net, â€Å"Watch Watches†). The price range of Rolex is $200 to $10000 (Scribd, â€Å"Rolex†). Promotion of Products of Companies beyond Their Website Timex promotes its product by distributing it through retail stores and advertises in TV and magazines as well (Smith & Strand, â€Å"

Many high profile organisations have - through the media discussed Essay

Many high profile organisations have - through the media discussed their need to change their culture. The mining industry, p - Essay Example The managers form the largest group that spear head initialization and implementation of proposed programs in various department of any organization. Some of the roles played by the managers include provision of leadership, managing people, managing priorities and safety in the workplaces (Brown, 2004). In fact, competent managers contribute immensely to the success of a business. In relation to contextualized issue of social dynamism, the managers have a special and critical niche to occupy in a bid to achieve the overall goal of achieving a highly rated level of social diversification. Essentially, initialization and implementation of any program should follow the normal managerial process, which involves setting up the work agenda, identifying the work methods and roles, implementing management functions, applying knowledge and key management skills and organizational performance (Weidlich, 2000). A successful application of a managerial process in initializing and implementing a program or a process contributes to achievement of the intended goals. This study establishes that, mangers focus their energies through work agendas when implementing a program (Brown, 2004). ... More over, the managers should uphold high standards of managerial ethics. The aspect of social responsibility refers to the commitment of an organization to act with intent of protecting and improving the welfare of a given society. The organizational responsibility entails three key perspectives, which include invisible, and, the government and management hand (Brown, 2004). It is imperative to note that, the process of responding to any social demand requires inclusive participation of the stakeholders, which include the shareholders, employees, customers, local community, international community and the society. The bid by numerous organizations to embrace diversification in social demands and relevant response mechanisms revolve around critical societal matters related to health, education, technology, culture, environment and ways of generation of income (Hunnicutt, 2000). To define social responsibility in relation to the environment the basis of social paradigm in systems is a fundamental component for consideration. It is imperative to note that, organizations secure numerous resources and release outputs to the society in a bid to strengthen the economic and social milieu (Brown, 2004). On how to respond to the social demands through building of social response mechanism, a corporate social responsibility should take the epicenter of all events. This is the origin of the intended solutions for social demands attributed to an organization. Corporate social responsibility (CRS) can be referred to as the corporate accountability or corporate ethics. It should be noted that, the move to embrace this aspect of management is intended to establish better practices within the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

History ID's Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History ID's - Assignment Example laid the ground for World War 2 because it is considered to be the main cause for the rise of the Nazis in Germany and it was violated by Germany due to the strict restrictions laid upon the nation. President Warren G. Harding was the president of the United States of America from 1921 to 1923. He just stayed for two years in rule because of his death in 1923 due to a heart attack. Warren G. Harding won his elections with the promise that he would pull America out of the war and its effects. He kept his word and proved to provide good economic policies for the country which included the formation of the federal budget bureau. He supported civil rights but his government was marred by scandals and particularly it was the Teapot Dome scandal. In this scandal his interior secretary Albert Fall sold the oil reserve rights in Teapot and other significant locations for money and other personal benefits. Archduke Francis Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria. He was born in 1863 and was assassinated in 1914. In 1889 his cousin shot himself, giving the Archduke’s father the rights to throne and making Archduke Francis Ferdinand the successor to the throne. It was in 1896 after the death of his father that he became the heir apparent to the Austria-Hungarian throne. His assassination in 1914 in Sarajevo was a very important event in the history of the world because it sparked the First World War. Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip of Serbia. This led to a war between Austria and Serbia. Austria was backed by Germany and Italy whereas Serbia was allied with Britain, France and Russia. This war was joined by other nations of the world and hence led to the world war. Ku Klux Klan is the name given to racist groups which emerged in the United States after the American Civil War. This group was composed of extremists who considered the whites to be superior over other races. They did not believe in equal rights. They resorted to violence and started

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Issue analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Issue analysis paper - Essay Example The act was to be financed within the next ten years for it to be fully operational to help those who are unable to insure as depicted by the health act. As a result, millions of people will benefit from employment based insurance coverage than in the absence of Affordable Care Act (ACA).The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the government budget and effects for the ten years. The Affordable Care Act will be financed thus delivering a devastating analysis of the inefficiencies and problematic social costs of Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act still faces opposition from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) since the key selling point of Affordable Care Act was to cover a significant number of above 30 million Americans who lacked it. As per today, the CBO is out criticizing the Affordable Care Act in America that within a decade, 6 million people will not be given health care insurance from their companies or from the employers due to Affordable Care Act (john 45). This makes the Americans to see as if the act was politically passed so as only target a certain group of Americans and segregating those who can be able to acquire the insurance coverage. The estimated expenditure of Affordable Care act will be about $2 trillion within the next 10 years meaning that there would be disruption of the United States medical system since the federal government will not be able to achieve the objectives, of providing coverage to 30 million Americans. The Congressional Budget Office maintains that within the ten years the same number of 30 million Americans will lack insurance as before since the Affordable Care Act will collapse within the next 5 years. Another opposing idea of the ACA is that the poor people will get subsidies and after they achieve certain level of compensation then the subsidy will disappear when one reaches a higher pay level. Basing their

Monday, July 22, 2019

Marketing Principles Essay Example for Free

Marketing Principles Essay It is very important that an organization considers its environment before beginning the marketing process A marketing environmental analysis helps a business understand external forces that can affect it. The environment, or external forces, are often factors that a business cannot control, yet it is important to be aware of environmental concerns when preparing a marketing plan or introducing a new product to the market. The most common method for preparing a marketing environmental analysis is to conduct a PESTLE analysis, which stands for; Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental. This covers all areas affecting a business. Political The first element of a PEST analysis is a study of political factors. Political factors are factors connected with the government and its activities. Politics affect organisations because governments introduces rules and regulations that organisations and their customers have to abide by. Economic The second element of a PEST analysis involves a study of economic factors. All businesses are affected by national and global economic factors. National and global interest rate and fiscal policy will be set around economic conditions. The climate of the economy dictates how consumers, suppliers and other organisational stakeholders such as suppliers and creditors behave within society. Social The third aspect of PEST Social is about forces within society such as family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and the media. Social forces affect our attitudes, interests and opinions. These forces shape who we are as people, the way we behave and ultimately what we purchase. For example within the UK peoples attitudes are changing towards their diet and health. Technological The fourth element of PEST is technology, as you are probably aware technological advances have greatly changed the manner in which businesses operate. Organisations use technology in many ways, they have: -Technology infrastructure such as the internet and telephone

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Impact On Media In Britain Media Essay

The Impact On Media In Britain Media Essay This essay will focus on the impact mass media has had on British society and demonstrate a striking contrast between the previous and present roles of media in Britain society, meanwhile mass media as a propaganda tool , it brings many positive influence on British society. Currently, the people in Britain spend nearly thirty percent of their waking life in the media and communications activities (BBC,2010). The figures from Ofcom shows Britons expend seven hours per day on surfing the Internet, watching TV and using their mobile phones(BBC,2010). Media involve any communication institutions,and in Britain it generally include print media and broadcasting (Oakland,2006). Media have influenced British society in a variety of ways. Oakland claimed that nearly 70% percent of British people gain daily news from television,one fifth from newspapers and nearly 10% from radio. Kasier (2002) cited by Mackeogh (2004) that a investigation of fifteen to seventeen year olds showed that 72% teenagers felt young people can be influenced somewhat or a lot, though only one fourth thought it influenced young peoples behaviour. This paper will first analyze changing role of media in Britain, then illustrate how media influence British society. Finally, it will generate s everal recommendations for this situation. Outline the structure with key and supporting ideas (with referenced support): History: The British press began in the 1620s and development in the nineteenth century(Majesty,1976). Broadcasting began in the 1920s and became sturdy until mid-1980s.BBC was created in 1955 and ITA began in 1954 (Oakland,2006). Internet began in the 1990s ,and it developed rapidly since mid-1990s (BBC,2010). The current situation: Individual spent averagely 538 minutes per day on using all kinds of media(BBC,2010). The time Britons spend on print media are much less than past. Currently, people spend only 31 minutes per day on print media (BBC,2010). TV has become the most significant in the mass media, and the most convinent way for the public to get the news, as well as the information around the world,public spend almost 3.8 hours watching TV per day(BBC,2010). Internet play an important role in current life. Internet has been used by people for everyday,and people spend nearly one third of their waking time on Internet (BBC,2010). The influence of media on British society: Negative: Over-commercialization(Oakland,2006). Media involves some violence, it have some negative influences on young people(Sefton-Green,1993). Positive: Media play an important part of the British economy,people spent more than 10 billion pounds for media activities in 1988(Veljanovski, 1990 ). Media help people culative their citizenship. As a propaganda tool, media promotes citizenship and moral consciousness of the public by using public service advertisement ¼Ã‹â€ BBC,2010 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. The media press ahead with socialist democracy. Burton, G (2005, p.20) highlight that western government clearly know the value of media coverage in swaying public opinion. The broadcasting media play an role as an mirror to keep the diversity of opinion and act as a national communication platform. (Curran, J. and Seaton, J. 2003 p.234) Government control the individuals opinion by mass media(Curran,1938). Media involves the culture of different countries, promotes golblaziation (Hiebert,1987). Recommendation: Reduce the content of unhealth (sex and violence): Magazines for young girls and women should not include lots of information about sex(Stokes,1999). A example of boys own story(Sefton-Green,1993). report more positive aspects. Reduce business investment, re-define the direction of media guide. Media should be a transparent, open, democratic and should not be controlled by government. Conclusion: There has existed several negative affects of media on British society, however, media changed British life style and their thinking way in a variety of aspects. Chosen academic references BBC(2010) Ofcom report highlights multi-tasking media users. Accessed from : Burton, G. (2005). Media and society: critical perspectives. Berkshire: Open University Press. Crisell,A.(1999) Broadcasting:Television and Radio. In Stokes, J. and Reading, A. The media in Britain current debates and developments. pp.61-74. Curran, J.(1987). Impact Influence. New York:Methuen co. Hiebert, R. (1988) Impact of mass media.New York: Longman. Majesty, H.(1976)The British press. England:Unwin Brothers Limited. Oakland, J.(2006) British Civilization New York: Routledge. Sefton-Green,J.(1993) Untidy, depressing and violent:a boys own story. In Buckingham, D. Reading audiences. pp.89-116. Stock ¼Ã…’J.(1999). Use it or lose it ¼Ã… ¡ sex,sexuality,and sexual health in magazines for girls. In Stokes, J. and Reading, A. The media in Britain current debates and developments. pp.209-217. Veljanovski,C.(1990). The media in Britain today. London: News International.

All The Pretty Horses Themes

All The Pretty Horses Themes Cormac McCarthys novel All the Pretty Horses is considered to be a national bestseller not only because it has won the National Book Award but also because the author could touch upon a number of themes which are really close to all the readers. Such themes as the themes of good and evil, and human nature are the most significant in our life. Moreover, Cormac McCarthy shows some kind of a conflict between a man and a woman, between the rich and the poor. My goal in this research paper is to analyze all the themes conveyed by the author in his novel All the Pretty Horses and to prove the fact that this novel is really the greatest American novel of 20th century . To achieve this goal, I have organized my essay into several sections, two of which have some sub-sections. In the first section of my essay, I am going to discuss the authors style of writing which impressed both the readers and the literary critics. In the second section of may paper, Id like to discuss the numerous themes using the contents of the book All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy. In conclusion of my essay, Ill summarize the main points of my paper and express my personal opinion on the issue discussed in my essay. Now Id like to turn to the first section of my paper. CORMAC MCCARTHYS STYLE OF WRITING AND ITS ROLE IN THE THEME PERCEPTION OF THE NOVEL ALL THE PRETTY HORSES Cormac McCarthys novel All the Pretty Horses, the first novel of his Border Trilogy, was published in 1992. All the readers were greatly impressed by his simple style of writing which was represented by the minimum use of punctuation, the absence of commas (in some places), dashes, semicolons, parenthesis, ellipses and quotation marks (especially in dialogues). The use of full stops is a standard use of punctuation in his novel. (Jarret) Most of the sentences are complex and long. In single sentences, the author describes numerous actions which are separated by a long chain of conjunctions. He minted a great deal of compound words which made his writing style unique. His prose represents a striking contemporary context both simple and highly accomplished. (Jarret) His style of writing is often compared with William Faulkner and Ernest Hammingways style. He became labeled writers writer. (Stephen) The author uses a lot of stylistic devises among which are various metaphors which make his speech vivid. Besides, Cormac McCarthy uses expressive imagery and different philosophical asides in order to develop the themes of his novel. (Bell) THE MULTIPLE THEMES REPRESENTED BY CORMAC MCCARTHY IN HIS NOVEL ALL THE PRETTY HORSES It is interesting to know that Cormac McCarthy is trying to convey many themes in his novel All the Pretty Horses. Id like to turn to most of them in my essay. Now some words about the main character John Grady Cole. A sixteen year old John Grady Cole lived with his grandfather on a small ranch in Texas. After his grandfathers death their ranch was signed to John Gradys mother, but she decided to sell it. The father of the young man was seriously injured in the World War II and he did not offer any help to his son John. So, the young man had no future in Texas and decided to go to Mexico. His friend Lacely Rawlins accompanied him. The Theme of Real Friendship. One of the main themes in this novel is the theme of good and evil. The main characters often run into both good and bad people. The sacred violence is shown throughout the novel. (Hall, Wallach) Of course, the best friends of them are the horses. What John Grady loved in horses was what he loved in men, the blood and the heat of the blood that ran them. (McCarthy) Lets recall the situation when John saw his horse Redbo in a stable for the first time after his jailing, Redbo whinnied and was very happy to see John again. As a matter of fact, the novel is focused on the horses. We can see how the characters of the novel catch and ride them, how they breed and rescue them. They not only talk about horses, they admire them and philosophize about them. Moreover, the horses are the main source which connects young people to nature. The horses represent a part of the beautiful landscape scenes which are described by the author in the best way. Also the horses help the main characters to escape from danger. The Theme of Inevitable Evil. The theme of inevitable evil is also shown by the author in his novel. Cormac McCarthy said that there is no such a thing as life without bloodshed and he proves this fact in his literary work. There are many examples of rage display, one of them is the following situation. John Grady and his friend Rawlings came to the La Purisima ranch. The young men were treated ill. Alejandra decided to use John as a so-called pawn in her rebellion. Rocha let the police to arrest the young men. Alfonsa fought against John Grady in order to get rid of the rage which was connected with her past. The young men could not believe that the members of two communities took concerted actions. They were thrown into the prison and blamed in committing a crime. These angry people were unjust to young men who were so innocent and could not do anything against their aggression. Rawlings decided to return home because he could not cope with injustice of human nature. John Grady tri ed to appropriate the violence which was inflicted on him and he wanted to take vengeance. He decided to return to San Angelo with two the most vital things he had his horses and his pride. (McCarthy) The Theme of Coming of Age. The other theme which is shown by the author in his novel All the Pretty Horses is the theme of coming of age. Cormac McCarthy represents the life of young people who rebelled against their family and found their love. For John Grady love is the main thing in his rite of passage. In San Angelo he was a stranger: his mother was indifferent to him, his father was a miserable ill man whose life was completely ruined. However, at the end of the story, we can see that this young man John Grady has got all the qualities to be a true hero who can easily be a good father to Jimmy Blevins, a rather dangerous boy, a passionate lover to the young girl Alejandra, a real friend to Rawlins. The most significant thing is that John Grady did not lose his faith. We can see a clever and an experienced man when he leaves San Angelo at the end of the novel. He returns to Texas a changed man but there is no home, nobody is waiting for him: his father is dead, his childhood nur se is dead too. The Theme of Competing Moral Codes. The theme of competing morals is also touched by the author in the literary work. Cormac McCarthy shows us the character of John Grady in such situations when he meets those people who are immoral. He fells his love for Alejandra in the context of right and wrong, Duena Alfonsa, Alejandras god mother, thinks quite the contrary. She wants John to leave Alejandra alone because Don Hestor will never permit her to marry a poor American young man. The captain and Emilio Perez repudiate the idea of tainted money. Moreover, they jeer the young mans opposition to pay for his way out of prison. It is clear that John Grady becomes a real hero not only due to his idealistic beliefs and his relation to life but also because he can give up his ideas in situations of restoring justice and saving life. For example, when Don Hestor asked John about his past, he did not tell him about Jimmy Blevins and the fact that he and his friend Lacey Rawlins may be on the wan ted list for the horse theft. The other situation takes place in the prison where John and Rawlins were taken. The young men are terribly beaten and John sees that Rawlins is seriously injured. John Grady kills a prisoner who attacked him and understands that the evil lives inside him too. Another situation which shows the moral codes of our characters is the last Johns meeting with Alejandra. He loved her, he wanted to be with her. However, she changed her decision and chose her family approval and life in the rich house. The Theme Of Love. Cormac McCarthy represents the theme of love through the relations of his main character John Grady Cole and a young beautiful girl Alejandra. Sometimes it seems that the author wanted to show the same story as William Shakespeare showed in his Romeo and Juliet. The young man John who was only 16 met a beautiful young girl Alejandra, the daughter of Rocha, at La Purisima hacienda where he and his friend Rawlins came to work as cowboys. The first time he saw her riding on a black Arabian horse and fell in love with her. She also fell in love with this young man. She invited him and his friend to the party where she danced with John. John found her hands tender and small and her waist nice and slight. In spite of warnings of Donna Alfonsa who protected Alejandra the young man and the young girl started to have rides at night time together, they went swimming at the lake together. They became lovers. She came to his room every night for a period of nine nights and they were happy to make love. However, then she returned to Mexico. John wanted to be with her and he went to Mexico City and found her there. However, Alejandra had changed. She said that she was afraid of her father who wanted to kill John. She decided to say no to John, and for the last time they made love in the hotel and then parted never to meet again. The Theme of Family Relations. Cormac McCarthy showed another important theme the theme of family relations by the example of John Gradys family. Such family relations affected his future and his character in a way. Johns mother left him when he was a baby. A Mexican woman took care of him and became his second mother. Johns father could not pay him attention because he was away taking part in the World War II but he taught him to love horses. Johns grandfather did not give the boy the parenting he wanted to get. The other character of the novel is Lacey Rawlins whose family was a poor one and he decided to escape and live alone. Jimmy Blevins, a small boy who was 13 years old, did not have a family at all. These young men needed family and were unhappy. Their unfortunate family relations had great influence on their emotional and psychological state. The Theme of Nature. The author pays special attention to nature in his novel. The beauty of nature described in the book helps him to show the characters attitude to the earth, horses, wonderful landscapes, lakes and rivers and reveal the best qualities of their characters. Johns relationships with horses show the close connection between nature and all the human beings. He had a long journey which changed him as a man. He experiences love and cruelty, theft and killing, prison and the system of justice. In each situation nature helped him to survive. CONCLUSION In conclusion, I should say that Cormac McCarthys novel All the Pretty Horses is really a great literary work which can teach us to love nature, to love our country and our family. It shows us how to fight with injustice and how to survive. I think that all the themes the author conveyed in his novel are still actual for the present day life. The author could discover human nature in his novel by the examples of main characters and their attitude to horses as a part of nature.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mass Production :: Economics

Mass Production Mass production is the manufacture of products of uniform quality in large quantities using a standardised mechanical process or assembly line. After a short post-war depression, the American economy grew rapidly in the early 1920s. By 1926, the standard of living in the USA was the highest it had ever been in the country's history and America was officially the richest nation in the world. Natural resources such as oil were abundant and this gave the USA an advantage that no other country enjoyed at that level. This profusion of natural resources led to a large-scale industrial development. New techniques meant that goods could be produced much more cheaply on a large scale which led to the production of masses of cheap goods which could be afforded by thousands of normal Americans. Mass production was pioneered by Henry Ford in 1913. He could not manufacture cars fast enough to keep up with demand and so he introduced the concept of an assembly line. As a result, one Model T could be produced every three minutes. Components were added as the car moved along and each worker did one specific job. By 1920, a car was produced every ten seconds and Ford realised that if cars could be produced more cheaply, more people would be able to buy them and as demand rose and the company sold more cars, he could make them even cheaper. Between 1908 and 1925, over 15 million Model T's were made and by the mid 1920s, one out of every two cars sold was a Model T. The cost of cars fell from $1200 to  £295 by 1928 which meant that even normal people could afford them. Henry Ford's mass-production techniques were taken up by other industries in America and the USA quickly became the most efficient producer in the world. The falling cost of each input offset the smaller profit margin because demand was stimulated. Employment prospects also improved with many people moving to live in the industrial cities and American industries saw huge profits and expanded enormously. However, mass production also meant that as the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Mass production changed the fabric of American society forever. Social freedom was achieved and mass production bought an immense sense of liberty to the rural areas. Making cars affordable changed the face of America and it resulted in large scale urbanisation and the development of suburbs. It encouraged the building of roads, and the growing popularity of owning your own car made it easier to move around so people did not have to be within walking distance to work. The car contributed to the industrial boom of the 1920s by stimulating Mass Production :: Economics Mass Production Mass production is the manufacture of products of uniform quality in large quantities using a standardised mechanical process or assembly line. After a short post-war depression, the American economy grew rapidly in the early 1920s. By 1926, the standard of living in the USA was the highest it had ever been in the country's history and America was officially the richest nation in the world. Natural resources such as oil were abundant and this gave the USA an advantage that no other country enjoyed at that level. This profusion of natural resources led to a large-scale industrial development. New techniques meant that goods could be produced much more cheaply on a large scale which led to the production of masses of cheap goods which could be afforded by thousands of normal Americans. Mass production was pioneered by Henry Ford in 1913. He could not manufacture cars fast enough to keep up with demand and so he introduced the concept of an assembly line. As a result, one Model T could be produced every three minutes. Components were added as the car moved along and each worker did one specific job. By 1920, a car was produced every ten seconds and Ford realised that if cars could be produced more cheaply, more people would be able to buy them and as demand rose and the company sold more cars, he could make them even cheaper. Between 1908 and 1925, over 15 million Model T's were made and by the mid 1920s, one out of every two cars sold was a Model T. The cost of cars fell from $1200 to  £295 by 1928 which meant that even normal people could afford them. Henry Ford's mass-production techniques were taken up by other industries in America and the USA quickly became the most efficient producer in the world. The falling cost of each input offset the smaller profit margin because demand was stimulated. Employment prospects also improved with many people moving to live in the industrial cities and American industries saw huge profits and expanded enormously. However, mass production also meant that as the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Mass production changed the fabric of American society forever. Social freedom was achieved and mass production bought an immense sense of liberty to the rural areas. Making cars affordable changed the face of America and it resulted in large scale urbanisation and the development of suburbs. It encouraged the building of roads, and the growing popularity of owning your own car made it easier to move around so people did not have to be within walking distance to work. The car contributed to the industrial boom of the 1920s by stimulating

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fitzgeralds Satirical Portrait of Modern Society :: essays research papers fc

Fitzgerald’s Satirical Portrait of Modern Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Great Gatsby,† a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, depicts life in the 1920’s. â€Å"The Roaring Twenties,† a nickname given to the decade laden with flippancy, is a time where the rich people in society have little to do, and a lot of money to spend in many ways. Jay Gatsby, one of the â€Å"newly† rich people, chooses to spend his money throwing wild parties every weekend in the summer. Fitzgerald paints a picture of modern society by writing about the lavish parties thrown by Gatsby and the behavior of the guests who attend them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Nick Carraway describes the scene at Gatsby’s mansion while preparing for a party, â€Å"At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down....On the buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors d’ oeuvre, spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs...In the main hall a bar with a real brass rail....By seven o’clock the orchestra has arrived† (44), he tells of the luxuries provided by Gatsby in order to impress his guests. Fitzgerald is mocking the way people in society try, at great extents, to impress each other. Gatsby’s careless spending of his money parallels the decadent spending of people in modern society. One of the â€Å"twins† tells Nick about how Gatsby bought her an expensive gown, â€Å"When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair, and he asked me for my name and address- inside a week I got a package from Croirier’s with a new evening gown in it,† (47). This shows that Gatsby spends his money in an exorbitant manner, much like the way modern society spends money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The people at Gatsby’s parties often stay for days and are uninvited. Most of the guests don’t know Gatsby, let alone care about him. The loss of manners and self-centeredness of modern society are exemplified by the way the guests treat Gatsby, and how they gossip about their host. They impose upon his hospitality and outstay their welcome, â€Å"A man named Klipspringer was there so often and so long that he became known as the boarder- I doubt if he had any other home,† (67). When Gatsby is not around, the guests often fabricate stories about his life. â€Å"He’s a bootlegger. One time he killed a man who had found out that he was nephew to von Hindenburg and second cousin to the devil,† (65). Rumors of his personal life circulate his parties and grow as his guests embellish on them.

Asa Framework :: essays research papers

In recent years businesses in the United States are becoming more diverse places in which to work. Workforce diversity with respect to race, gender, and ethnicity has increased as result of socio-cultural changes, and is to some extent protected by law. While demographic diversity in American businesses has become more apparent, a range of individual differences in the values, attitudes, beliefs, and personalities of their employees is assumed to have existed for some time. However Benjamin Schneider, a psychology professor at the University of Maryland, argues that the range of individual differences in the above mentioned psychological variables becomes less common within businesses over time. Schneider has proposed an attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) framework to explain how organizations behave (440). The main proposition of Schneider’s work is that businesses do not determine behavior. Instead employees determine the company culture. Attraction to a company, selection by it, and attrition from it yield particular kinds of persons within a company. These people determine organizational behavior (Scheneider,1987). From 1997 to 1999 I was employed with a company named TNA North America. This was a company based out of Sydney-Australia, dedicated to selling and servicing packaging equipment to various customers in North America. At this company we all had very similar values, attitudes and beliefs. One of the employees who was very different from the rest of us was the general sales manager. He was different from rest of us in many ways. TNA North America is well known for servicing well to its customers, and all of us at TNA were very used to work ten or twelve hours each day to make sure our customer’s needs were satisfied. In the other hand was the sales manager who only worked six to seven hours each day, and very often did not go to the office for days. Business travel is a big portion of the company budget, therefore we always got the most economical plane tickets. The sales manager was known for flying first class and spending lots of company funds during trade shows, customer visi ts and conferences. This behavior was just not acceptable to the rest of the company. He came to work for us from a company that was our competitor, and he came with good references and showed an extensive knowledge about the industry. During his first 6 months he tried to get along with the rest of the employees, and he also tried to get some projects going with different customers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Crime Fiction Analysis Essay

Paul Darnell is a convicted sex offender who is released from prison and just three months after his release, a young girl is found raped and murdered just around the corner from the ex-con’s childhood home. As the investigators discover that his childhood victim area is in the same town as the girl who was raped and killed, they decide to arrest him for questioning and receive a warrant to search his house. They find a pile of â€Å"self help† DVD cases, which in fact hides criminal porn discs in them; as a result, Darnell is put on trial as a suspect to the case. Darnell tries to convince the jury that he has changed and his new found love, Judy, has changed him to make him into a considerate man who can control himself and his urges. Darnell wins the case and pleads not guilty for both the murder and rape of the past -victim girl. The investigators are left furious as a number of instances have seem to of proven Darnell’s guilt (such as following two girls home from school and his past offences of raping three young teenagers) and not long after Paul pleads guilty, he is found dead in Judy’s apartment, after he tried to rape her seventeen year old daughter. The daughter shot Paul in the head twice in self-defense, after his wrapped a garbage bag over her head to strike again. How does your source reveal information, ideas and an increased understanding of the issues surrounding your area of study? The area of study, being crime, is revealed in different varieties through out this particular episode of â€Å"Law & Order: UK. † Crime is a topic that is covered over a number issues such as theft, treason and rape + murder which is covered in this episode. There are many investigations, such as searching through the suspect’s house, going to his old neighborhood home etc. Interviews (with the suspect, witnesses, close acquaintances), identification (through photographs of both the victim and suspect) and court hearings (which occur quite frequently, which involve as many aspects as possible to help the jury decide whether Paul would be guilty or not) are all part of the tactics that the CSI team all go through to find the right person to fit the crime. According to medicine. com, a crime scene investigation (CSI) is defined as â€Å"the use of physical evidence at the scene of the crime and the use of deductive and inductive reasoning to gain knowledge of the events surrounding the crime. What are points of comparison between the source and your core text? * Between â€Å"Law & Order: UK† and â€Å"The Big Sleep† both investigating teams have tactics in order to find the suspected criminal/s. These are interviewing numerous people, asking around and getting hands on, in actually getting out into the field and doing work themselves. * Both have similar crimes involved: most common being murder. * Both involve a particular male / female role which is being victimised and criminal. Name of the source: Gangster Squad Type of source: Movie Area of Study: Crime Fiction Basic summary of the source content: â€Å"Gangster Squad† is a movie set in the late forties based on a true story set in Los Angeles. Mickey Cohen has become the most powerful figure in California’s criminal underworld, he is ruthless and controlling on both the legal and illegal sides of Los Angeles; he is known to have an â€Å"iron grip† over L. A. as nobody is willing to stand up to him in fear of the threatening gangster crew he carries around him. Until one day, the chief of Police, Chief Parker, has the idea to create a unit specialising in taking Cohen down to keep the city safe. A team is formed around Sargent O’Mara, who then asks four other police officers and a World War II Veteran to join his â€Å"gangster squad unit†. Another officer (Wooters) is asked to join the force but declines, as he is disillusioned from the war and his time on the police force. Wooters does although keep a close eye on Cohen and in doing so, becomes infatuated with his girlfriend / etiquette coach. As the team bugs Cohen’s house and keep a close eye on his surroundings, Cohen finds out in the process, and in result, the veteran is sacrificed. Things heat up and the plot turns into a full throttle war between the two squads after Cohen shoots into O’Mara’s home where his pregnant wife is at the time. Most of Cohen’s team is killed and later on O’Mara and Cohen go head to head in a boxing match where O’Mara wins and choen is jailed. How does your source reveal information, ideas and an increased understanding of the issues surrounding your area of study? There are more issues covered in this movie to deal with crime. Things such as blackmail, abduction, attempted rape (at the start of the movie), murder, theft, treason, adultery etc. Although this movie was based on a true story, crime fiction is used for entertainment purposes, which this is played up for that purpose. All of these different crimes make up a greater understanding of what is needed in a crime fiction story (detective, hard-boiled detective, red herring, crime, crime scene), which all relate back to the core text â€Å"The Big Sleep†, as there may be a different story line, the structure and purpose of each story is the same.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“Don Juan” is a digressive satire

jade Juan is a digressive derision aimed at mocking the traditional characteristics of litearned run averagery romanticism and is atypical of Byrons anterior poetry. The coordinate of the poems stanzas be write in eight line iambic pentameter, where the final two lines form a couplet and are practically employ to deliver a conform todic punch line. At cadences the language is idiomatic and Byron often employs slang, which contradicts the traditional formality of Romantic poetry and further defines the poems sarcastic nature.The poems most hitting feature, however, is that Byron employs his stream of consciousness d unrivalledout the poem, interjecting his cynical sense of humor upon the reader. Don Juan, as depicted by original Byron is not a character of permanent value he is an individual of permanent interests to whom self-aggrandizement is a cardinal virtue. A poet is the master-feeler and he can not avoid the effect of two elements in his writing.Firstly, the p eriod to which he belongs secondly the conditions of the society and the standard of disembodied spirit and the standard of living of people, as it prevailed at a given time. Simplicity and innocence of rural life, beauty and nature, fascinate the poet. His activated chords respond quickly and he finds it unwieldy to tolerate or accept the abuses of society, against which he hits back in his own style, with searching witticisms. He knows pen is exp sensationntier than the sword, and he uses his potential literary genius, to strike at the secure time.A poet like Byron had the capacity to worship the autocratic qualities and attack the negative tendencies human beingity in a disarming style. It is only if eery that how he could maintain and nurture the inside feelings or romanticism, considering the tough stages that he went by dint of in his real life. The erotic cognize-feeling remained intact in spite of the vicissitudes in his personal life. Is it angiotensin-con verting enzyme of the vagaries of Nature that The Romantic term (1776-1830) and the industrial Revolution happened at the alike(p) timePowerful and unexpected changes took place, drastic modifications occurred in the life of the common man during this period, the experient values had to be shunted out, whether one wish that serve or not, commercial travel replaced many unselfish virtues of human beings, and the poets of the era responded well to those changed circumstances. As described by Graham Hough about churchman Byron, it is alternatively a picture of society-and Juan is there to fancy the way the natural man might live in. To Byron, beauty is not abandonment it is participation, what if an element of selfishness is involved in the processHe is fascinated by the aristocracy of richness and the beauty that encompasses it rather than the obtuseness of poverty-ridden virtues. He is not a tragic-type of yellowish brown he adores dynamic love, the variations in love, a nd considers the hurdling as jokes. Let us run into past for a while from Lord Byrons Don Juan to an allegory, to understand him better. The integral moon is shining in the sky. It is luxuriant moon day. Seeing the beauty of the moon, a tempest rises in the ocean beneath. The ocean, in an effort to arena the moon, sends the roaring waves (love vistas) one after another.But alas Can the waves reach the moon howsoever big they may be? Can the moon ever rise up down to the Earth (the reciprocal feelings) any(prenominal) be the intensity of the wish? in such a situation, Byron would still count in the fructification of the love, by taking the table service of twinkling stars in the sky. He is good convinced about the human bewitchment with external beauty and he is oral about its open exhibition, like the ocean and the moon. They enjoy the struggle and wont mind others witnessing and experiencing the beauty of the struggle.Byrons poems are deeply preserveed by thoughts of callback of his own past, poor and not glorious, and his accompanying accomplishments, that took him to great heights and material welfare. He is candid and open about the virtues of wealthiness and the status-gains involved in the process. Enjoy them, he declares a jovial mood through his poems. He is not willing to take for morality on the higher(prenominal) pedestal. but as trials and tribulations are part of the life, so are comforts and luxuries and status. Why a human being should shy away from them? Byron doesnt believe in the biface strategies and a show off as for morality.Lord Byron reflects most of the characteristics of the Romantic Era such as the snap on emotions over reason, human nature and nature. He uses many historical references and poetic devices to emphasise the themes. The themes of human shallowness and artificial focus on wealth and beauty are conveyed through comparisons with nature and each other. The undiscovered realm of human feelings that direc tly affect the humans actions is displayed through the multiple whole kit and caboodle of the characters. (Lord Byrons. ) Lord Byron is at the height of his badinage and attacks the foundations of the society through his potshots at the knowledgeableness of marriage.As a Romantic, Lord Byron negotiation extensively about love and human nature. The poem greatly exposes loveless marriages and the mirage of expectations in the society of marriage being the last-ditch nest of eternal love. According to Andrew Sanders, the accepted literature critique, Juans adventures and misadventures, and the narrators worldly-wise commentary on them, served to unwrap a series of received ideas and perceptions ranging from the fidelity in love The perception of love and misunderstanding of feelings is evident in this take The love and marriage rarely combine, Although they both(prenominal) are born in the same climeMarriage from love, like vinegar from wine A sad, sour, sober drinking by time It sharpnd from its high celestial flavor Down to a precise homely household savor. (Lord Byron, Canto III, 5, lines 35- 41) equalize this to the traditional mind-set of the people as for the institution of marriage. .. Marriage of two individuals fashion to flow together harmoniously. Two distinct individuals, two different personalities, born, bred and brought up in two different sets of circumstances, try to come together from the day of marriage, to find a common identity, a common goal, and to be precise, a common all Byron locomote from one woman to another, poor or rich, married or unmarried, like a monkey that would jump easily from one branch of a tree to another. He would forget the earlier relationship easily, and had no psychological problems about termination of the earlier intimate bond. Considering the time to which be belonged the satire of Byron is too strong to accept eve by the yardsticks of beliefs of the 21st century. The literary thorn used by him is too sharp. It wounds, hurts and sometimes kills, without actually killing(The human values) And finally, the subject Juan is best known for both Byron and Juan seemed unresisting to women. Byron had numerous affairs with women from all walks of life, from run-of-the-mine housewives to rich countesses. Juan scored even better not even sultanas or the Czarina could function his spell. (Don Juan. ) Love, platonic love and carnal love were one and the same for Don Juan. He changed his loves as the Nature would change the seasons. He lived the life of a flutter that goes from summit to flower to enjoy the beauty of hues and to gasconade honey. If the flowers wont mind, why the butterfly should mind? seems to be the question of Lord Byron. Don Juan did not believe in deep planning about his proximo life. He lived life as it came and thought of crossing the bridge, when he arrived at that spot. He did condemn the society for its fixed values, but seemed to pity the people, and h ow they were caught in the cob-web of procedures, customs, traditions and thought very sincerely about their love-life. How they stretched extra to nurse the love-life work, fearing the backlash and criticism from the moral guardians of the society. personally he scoffed them by his writings and actions

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Only the Strong Survive

Only the Strong Survive

The price of capital has increased.There is a big difference between the shipbuilding market of 2002 and 2013, however.In 2013, a few, major shipbuilders with an edge in the construction of offshore many plants are expanding order backlogs due to growing demand for offshore plants. We anticipate investments in offshore E&P projects will continue to rise, as we expect oil prices will remain high. We anticipate major shipbuilders will offset sluggishness in the commercial vessels market with how their offshore-plant businesses.Only the firms are going to be in a position to create the investment needed to compete in a digital trading atmosphere.[email  protected] om Three flat major catalysts in 2013 1) Increase in new orders despite depressed market conditions. 2) Improved cash flow and balance sheets. 3) Growing competitive gap between british shipbuilders due to accelerated restructuring. Historic low P/B presents attractive valuations We expect Korean shipbuilders will be abl e to maintain their competitive edge regardless of the depressed shipbuilding market.

Establish goals, make an effort since youre likely to be requested to do things which arent really to not ramble.We find Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (010620 KS/Buy/TP: W148,000) to be the best among shipbuilders that focus on mid-to-small vessels. We raise our target price on Samsung Heavy Industries by 5% to W46,200 to reflect its stable earnings and solid order flow; however, we downgrade our rating of Hanjin Heavy I&C (097230 KS/Hold) from Trading Buy to Hold. Three major domestic shipbuildersE cash flow and share performance (Wbn) 10,000 Avg. ash cerebral flow of major shipbuilders (L) Avg.Thus the liberty of everyone is the outcome of solidarity.Three major domestic shipbuildersE order trend and forecast (Wbn) 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 plate 13F Shipbuilding Non-shipbuilding Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 3. KOSPI and shipbuilding stock index trend (1/1999=100) 1,000 KOSPI Shipbuilding stoc k index 800 600 400 200 0 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 14F 14 Source: KDB Daewoo Securities ResearchKDB korean Daewoo Securities Research 2 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Three major catalysts in 2013 1. New orders for major Korean shipbuilders to increase sharply In 2013, we expect major Korean shipbuilders will see sharp increases in new orders. Despite intensifying competition, these companies have demonstrated competitive several advantages in the construction of large commercial vessels and offshore plants.

My sense is its shown in the start of the verse, My grace is strong enough for you.In particular, we expect orders for certain high-priced vessels, including FPSO and LNG FPSO, to increase. 2.Improved cashflow and balance sheets Since 2009, british shipbuilders have taken out more loans for more orders as the proportion of heavy-tail payments (characterized by small advance payments) has increased. On a more positive note, however, we expect shipbuilder loans to decrease (thus improving cashflow) as these contracts are paid off toward late 2013.Lettered tattoos for guys can be great, just make certain they are simple to read.Second phase of restructuring to further consolidate industry We anticipate the shipbuilding market will remain weak due to the global economic downturn, logical and the tightening of ship financing. We project the current, still-surviving shipbuilding companies will aggressively seek new orders to strengthen backlogs. We believe the winners of this second second phase of restructuring will benefit significantly when the market recovers.Amid the current drop in vessel construction, the percentage of bulk carriers and tankers (out of total orders) has decreased significantly, while the percentage of megacontainerships and LNG carriers has increased.

Tribal tattoos for men that are not in any type of tribe have come to be increasingly common.Another risk factor is won appreciation, but at current levels, we believe risks are limited, thanks to Korean shipbuildersE technological edge, and dollar denominated payment for raw materials, which accounts for 40% of total raw organic material purchase. KDB Daewoo Securities Research 3 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 4. Three major domestic shipbuildersE cash flow logical and share performance (Wbn) 10,000 Avg. cash flow of major shipbuilders (L) Avg.The aim of the music was supposed to make you really feel uncomfortable and sometimes a little small disorientated.7% 8 0 2008 2012 Source: Clarkson, press release, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 6. Comparison of currency rates (10/2/2012=100) 105 US$/W JPY100/W EUR/W RMB/W 100 95 90 85 80 10/12 11/12 12/12 1/13 Source: KOSTAT, KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB Daewoo Securities Research 4 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Inve stment strategy & valuationWe believe the P/B of KoreaEs gilt top 3 shipbuilders, which is trading at around 1. 0x, should rebound to 1. 2x, a level seen historically as the low, thanks to the aforementioned three major catalysts.

old Folks who make the decisions.nd Sembcorp Marine (Singapore companies specialized in offshore plant). In light of the ongoing eurozone crisis and unstable global economy, shipbuilding new shares are expected to trade between a P/B of 1. 0x~1. 3x.Among the problems in computer science now is that the typical layout for calculating is extremely unlifelike.Figure 7. Major shipbuildersE ROE, P/B trends (Market cap, Wtr) 4. 0x (%) 50 3. 0x 40 90 60 2.

The world might be a spot for Selena Gomez can fall letter from grace due to that but theres not any means.New order trends (US$bn) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 HHI SHI HMD Figure 10. Order backlog trends (US$bn) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 07 08 09 10 11 12 HHI SHI HMD Source: Company Data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: Company Data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 11. Sales breakdown by business unit (Wtr) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 HHI 11 10 SHI 11 Construction Other Refinery Finance Green potential energy Electro electric systems Construction equipment Engine & machinery Industrial plant & engineering Offshore & engineering Shipbuilding Figure 12. Hyundai Heavy IndustriesE P/B upward trend Market cap,Wbn) 42,000 35,000 28,000 21,000 14,000 7,000 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 3.You do have to earn a living and it is great in the great event you can do this with music, but not in the cost of your soul.0x Source: Company Data, KDB ko rean Daewoo Securities Research Source: KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 13. Samsung Heavy IndustriesE P/B trend (Market cap,Wbn) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 1. 0x 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 13F 2. 0x 6.

Men have another reason behind choosing a mate.5x 6,000 2. 0x 1. 5x 4,000 1. 0x 2,000 0.Such men want the endurance to keep a high degree of combat readiness.0 Figure 18.EPS growth-P/E comparison (P/E, x) 20 Keppel 2. 0 Sembcorp Mitsubishi HHI 1. 0 Guangzhou Sumitomo giant Mitsui (ROE, %) 0.

It will happen once begun.6 Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19. 1 P/E (13F, x) 8. 5 Market P/E (13F, x) 9. 0 KOSPI 1,977.There is simply no doubt.1 Foreign Ownership (%) 19. 6 Major Shareholder(s) Mong-Jun Jung et al. (21. 31%) Treasury shares (19.

Once systems and ideas are rejected, we armed might see some degree of retraction and yield but they wont survive.7 Relative -0. 9 -12. 6 -27. 1 One step back for twenty two steps forward ? ? ? Targeting orders of US$29.However, we expect the company to record robust orders in 2013, boosted by a pickup in the offshore/onshore plant market. The companyEs earnings how are anticipated to turn around in 2H13, while its cash flow should improve on massive orders and an increase in heavy-tail payments. HHIEs shares how are trading at a 2013F P/E of 8. 5x and a P/B of 1.In 2013, however, the company will be able to achieve its order target of US$29. 7bn in light of new its strong determination to revamp its business structure. 2) The company is anticipated to receive massive offshore/onshore plant orders.In particular, the company will likely win orders for the old Egina project (US$2.

4) Exports of construction equipment and ultra-high voltage transformers should also increase on recoveries in the US and Chinese economies. ) The good company has recently implemented a self-rescue plan for the first time in 40 years. While the number of applications for HHIEs early retirement plan (pushed through at end-2012) missed expectations, the company has subsequently carried out structural reform measures. We expect the companyEs long-term restructuring efforts to positively affect earnings going forward.7 3,782 6. NP (Wbn) 4,154 2,559 1,729 2,033 2,449 EPS EBITDA brilliant FCF ROE P/E (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (x) 54,652 6,326 88 34. 5 8. 1 33,671 5,473 -504 16.1 8. 5 32,218 4,768 2,297 12. 2 7. 1 P/B (x) 2.9 EV/EBITDA (x) 6. 5 5. 3 8. 5 6.

8 12/12F 54,741 49,759 4,981 2,496 2,485 2,485 110 233 -240 2,595 766 1,829 0 1,829 1,729 100 1,568 1,458 110 3,469 -2,260 6. 3 4. 5 3. 2 12/13F 58,433 52,473 5,960 2,630 3,331 3,331 -448 248 -200 2,882 749 2,133 0 2,133 2,033 100 1,872 1,762 110 4,320 2,005 7.0 3. 9 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents AR & Other Receivables report Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets Total Assets Current total Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Controlling Interests Capital Stock Capital economic Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 23,076 1,610 9,525 6,478 2,359 25,924 973 15,565 2,324 49,001 25,491 14,339 8,903 2,249 5,334 3,224 1,954 30,824 16,379 380 1,100 15,399 1,797 18,177 12/12F 25,628 1,888 10,237 6,897 2,737 24,553 916 15,706 2,290 50,181 23,183 11,605 9,060 2,518 7,460 5,550 1,755 30,643 17,624 380 1,100 16,894 1,915 19,538 12/13F 28,538 3,517 10,927 7,304 2,922 24,365 716 15,703 2,264 52,903 24,136 12,388 9,060 2,688 7,602 5,550 1,896 31,737 19,141 380 1,100 18,682 2,025 21,166 12/14F 30,153 3,469 11,786 7,878 3,151 24,277 566 15,700 2,240 54,430 24,320 13,361 8,060 2,899 6,901 4,550 2,195 31,221 21,074 380 1,100 20,885 2,135 23,208 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and great Expense Depreciation Amortization Others Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other Payables Income Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible total Assets Chg in Financial Assets Others Cash Flows from Fin Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity big Dividends Paid Others Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning B alance Ending Balance 12/11 276 2,743 3,078 853 85 -860 -4,072 -178 -1,442 -364 -1,474 -888 -1,583 -67 -34 796 347 1,206 0 -411 -448 -269 1,879 1,610 12/12F -1,972 1,829 1,907 899 85 107 -4,572 -512 -453 -3,197 -1,136 -544 -1,074 -60 406 184 2,806 3,484 0 -245 -444 278 1,610 1,888 12/13F 3,082 2,133 2,187 903 86 50 -489 -691 -407 783 -749 -770 -900 -60 0 190 -683 0 0 -245 -438 1,628 1,888 3,517 12/14F 3,345 2,549 2,220 903 84 50 -528 -859 -574 973 -895 -738 -900 -60 0 222 -2,654 -2,000 0 -245 -409 -48 3,517 3,469 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit economic Growth (%) EPS Growth (%) Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) Liability to Equity high Ratio (%) Current Ratio (%) Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F 7. 6 10. 6 8.7 5. 0 1. 3 1. 1 1.2 5. 2 33,671 22,750 26,750 32,218 46,009 35,699 39,772 45,203 203,367 220,183 240,492 266,237 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 9. 6 0. 0 12.

8 1. 8 43. 8 1. 9 6.5 10. 4 -18. 0 -45. 2 34.6 20. 4 5. 9 6. 0 6.2 8. 3 4. 1 4. 8 5.

1 4. 8 16. 7 10. 2 11.0 11. 2 169. 6 156. 8 150.2 124. 0 40. 8 45. 3 34.6 9. 2 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities further Research 9 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Samsung Heavy Industries (010140 KS) Buy (Maintain) Target Price (12M, W) 46,200 Share Price (01/16/13, W) 37,850 Expected Return (%) 22. 1 EPS Growth (13F, %) 0. 6 Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19.

0 Free Float (%) 69. 5 52-Week Low (W) 31,650 52-Week High (W) 42,350 Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1. 57 Price Return Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2. 3 Foreign Ownership (%) 32.05%) Price Performance (%) 1M 6M 12M ablative Absolute -2. 7 4. 3 12. 3 Relative Stable business operations and earnings to remain intact in 2013 Raise TP by 5% to W46,200; Maintain Buy Raise TP by 5% to W46,200; Maintain Buy We maintain our Buy call on Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and raise how our target price 5% to W46,200. In deriving our target price, we applied a 5% premium to the companyEs lowest P/B level since 2005 (1. 3x). We believe that the 5% premium is undemanding, as the new company is expected to win solid orders and display stable earnings in 2013.3x. We think that SHI has strong investment merits in light of its competitive edge, stable earnings, robust growth potential, and cash flow improvement. Investment summary 1) Domestic institutions how are most optimistic on SHI am ong the three largest domestic shipbuilders. SHI has proven its superior competitiveness in the offshore plant business, including FLNG and drillships.

As such, the company will be able to repay its debt and strengthen its financial structure. 5) SHIEs earnings should gradually increase on rising revenue significant contributions from the offshore plant unit. Share price 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & Valuation Metrics FY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue (Wbn) 13,146 13,392 14,875 14,980 15,751 OP OP Margin NP (Wbn) (%) (Wbn) 1,433 10. 1,000 1,160 8.7 3,685 1,455 1,556 19. 4 4,021 1,551 282 18. 4 4,044 1,514 931 15. 8 4,396 1,667 978 14.4 8. 6 P/B (x) 2. 1 1. 2 1.4 6. 1 5. 5 4. 5 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates Daewoo Securities Research 10 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Samsung Heavy Industries (010140 KS/Buy/TP: W46,200) Comprehensive net Income Statement (Summarized) Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG Expenses Operating Profit (A dj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain letter from Inv in Associates Pretax Profit Income Tax Profit from Continuing Operations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit less Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating net Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 13,392 11,628 1,763 681 1,083 1,160 -10 -25 -32 1,150 299 851 0 851 851 0 616 616 0 1,455 1,556 10.

2 6. 2 12/13F 14,980 13,017 1,962 764 1,198 1,198 4 -44 0 1,202 268 934 0 934 934 0 925 925 0 1,514 931 10. 1 8. 0 6.6 5. 3 1. 2 5. 4 3,685 5,296 22,582 500 12.0 -14. 9 2. 8 23. 3 3.4 91. 3 25. 8 57. 5 12/12F 9.

0 0. 0 11. 1 6. 6 5.7 5. 8 18. 4 18. 9 182.7. 0 1. 3 5. 5 4,044 5,410 30,381 0 11.2 0. 6 4. 0 27. 1 4.

5 126. 4 -10. 3 69. 5 12/14F 8.0 0. 0 5. 2 10. 1 13.1 6. 4 14. 9 19. 1 121.4 EPS economic Growth (13F, %) 45. 2 Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19. 1 P/E (13F, x) 13. 1 Market P/E (13F, x) 9.

58 Price Return Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2. 4 Foreign Ownership (%) 18. 1 Major Shareholder(s) Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries et al. (46.We expect HMD to maintain stable rapid growth in orders and earnings, despite the global economic slowdown and eurozone fiscal crisis. Indeed, among small- to mid-sized shipbuilders, HMD is the company most favored by shipowners. Amid an expected further slowdown in the shipbuilding market, the company is anticipated to display distinguished share performance in 2013. Given HMDEs cash holdings of W450bn logical and the value of its stake in Hyundai Heavy Industries (W1.Investment points ) We believe HMD will continue to display outstanding performance among small- to mid-sized Korean british shipbuilders in 2013. Even amid intensifying competition due to limited orders and low ship prices, the company is expected to enjoy stable orders, earnings, and cash flow this year. 2) HMDEs competitiveness comes from its productivity, financing capa bility, and the quality of its products. It also boasts strong cost competitiveness as the company purchases raw materials at relatively lower prices from the Hyundai top Heavy Industries Group.5 3. 3 6M 6. 4 -2. 4 12M 11.

1 4,624 378 8. 2 200 9,992 441 -633 5. 5 11. 2 4,404 126 2.4 13. 1 4,855 230 4. 235 11,770 293 416 7. 4 10.2 1. 0 13. 8 0. 9 8.2 4. 3 12/12F 4,404 4,002 402 276 126 126 41 -8 -2 167 41 126 0 126 131 -5 -274 -265 -9 192 -563 4. 4 2. 9 3.

0 4. 7 4. 9 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current total Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents AR & Other Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant logical and Equipment Intangible Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities grand Total Liabilities Controlling Interests Capital Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 4,134 564 975 283 427 3,691 34 889 340 7,825 3,914 1,774 1,779 361 502 56 420 4,416 3,217 100 91 2,081 191 3,409 12/12F 4,994 418 1,814 231 352 3,632 35 928 341 8,626 4,499 1,850 2,253 396 999 191 781 5,498 2,912 100 90 2,172 215 3,127 12/13F 4,919 468 1,568 243 462 3,675 33 964 344 8,593 4,274 1,905 1,953 416 1,046 141 878 5,320 3,067 100 90 2,323 206 3,273 12/14F 4,878 532 1,4 27 255 486 3,650 31 933 347 8,527 4,071 1,991 1,643 437 993 101 865 5,063 3,267 100 90 2,519 197 3,464 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and Expense Depreciation year Amortization Others Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other current Payables Income Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible Assets Chg in Financial Assets Others Cash Flows from Fin Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity Dividends Paid Others significant Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning Balance Ending Balance 12/11 -697 202 311 62 1 -213 -1,075 -190 -54 -593 -135 441 -100 -4 400 145 93 245 0 -93 -59 -168 732 564 12/12F -816 126 78 65 2 -12 -969 -220 52 66 -50 150 -112 -4 79 186 516 601 0 -39 -46 -146 564 418 12/13F 489 185 71 64 1 10 291 247 -12 56 -58 -47 -100 -4 0 57 -392 -350 0 -39 -2 50 418 468 12/14F 432 230 62 62 1 30 212 140 -12 86 -73 23 -30 -4 0 57 -391 -350 0 -39 -2 64 468 532 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) negative EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit Growth (%) EPS Growth (%) Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) strict Liability to Equity Ratio (%) Current Ratio (%) Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F 11. 2 19.9 9. 8 8. 4 0. 8 1.8 8. 6 6. 0 9,992 6,556 9,518 11,770 13,153 9,869 12,760 14,910 146,152 130,821 138,428 148,290 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 19. 6 29.6 1. 6 1. 6 11. 7 -4.

5 33. 4 14. 3 -44. 7 -66.4 45. 2 23. 7 6. 1 4.1 19. 5 19. 5 2. 5 3.5 2. 2 2. 7 5. 5 4.

1 10. 7 15. 6 129. 6 175.0 115. 1 119. 8 -18. 0 -4.6 78. 1 109. 7Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities Research 13 late January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hanjin Heavy I&C (097230 KS) Hold (Downgrade) Target Price (12M, W) Share Price (01/16/13, W) 10,000 Expected Return (%) 0. 0 EPS economic Growth (13F, %) RR Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 19.6 52-Week Low (W) 10,000 52-Week High (W) 23,850 Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1. 43 Price Return high Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2. 7 Foreign Ownership (%) 9. Major Shareholder(s) Hanjin Heavy I Holdings et al (37.

We believe that the companyEs earnings and ready cash flow will not improve for the time being, given its tepid order performance amid the sluggish commercial vessel market, and the front suspension of its Youngdo shipyard due to a strike.Although the company has recently embarked on the development of an industrial site near the Incheon port, the project is unlikely to boost operating gross profit markedly due to high capital requirements and increased interest expenses. As such, the companyEs shares are unlikely to recover in the near term, in our view Although the companyEs shares are trading at a 2013F P/B of just 0. 4x, we believe that their investment merits are low.2) There is a slow growing possibility that the Subic shipyard will take new orders, as it possesses strong price competitiveness. However, as it is difficult to slender build highend vessels at the Subic shipyard, the companyEs earnings are unlikely to recover in the near future. 3) There are many labor-manag ement social issues yet to be resolved, including one related to employees who are currently on leave due to a lack of work. ) Although HHIC is meeting its short-term capital special needs through real estate disposal, the company will likely find it difficult to sell large-scale real estate assets due to the real personal estate market slump.Proceeds from the companyEs planned rights offering (estimated to at W180bn) should be only equivalent to its annual interest expenses. 6M -26. 7 -35. 5 12M -47.5 -103 2,795 76 2. 7 -10 3,071 83 2. 7 -32 EPS EBITDA FCF ROE (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) -1,496 312 487 -3. 6 -2,006 200 -224 -5.

0 0. 5 0. 4 0. 4 0.9 18. 0 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates Daewoo Securities Research 14 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hanjin Heavy I (097230 KS/Hold) Comprehensive national Income Statement (Summarized) Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG Expenses Operating Profit (Adj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain letter from Inv in Associates Pretax Profit Income Tax Profit from Continuing Operations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit more Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating net Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 2,892 2,665 227 140 87 108 -190 171 -2 -82 15 -97 0 -97 -97 0 -90 -90 0 200 -224 6. 9 3. 7 -3.0 2. 7 -0. 4 12/14F 3,071 2,764 30 7 224 83 83 -125 150 0 -42 -9 -33 0 -33 -32 0 -57 -56 0 184 146 6. 0 2.9 -2,006 323 36,806 0 0. 0 0. 0 -8. 7 -35.

2 -1. 3 -5. 1 2. 4 276.3 0. 4 24. 0 -2,123 -111 34,182 0 0. 0 0.3 8. 0 3. 9 -1. 5 -5.5 0. 3 12/13F 5. 9 0. 4 16.

8 20. 1 RR 3. 6 9. 8 4.6 87. 1 152. 8 0. 4 12/14F 10.0 9. 9 -5. 8 9. 9 RR 3.8 2. 4 267. 0 81. 7 157.

As of the publication date, Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. has been acting as a financial advisor to Hyundai Mipo Dockyard for its treasury stock trust, and other than this, Daewoo Securities has no other special interests in the companies covered in this report.As of the publication date, Daewoo Securities Co.* The target price was determined by the research political analyst through valuation methods discussed in this report, in part based on the analystEs estimate of future earnings. The achievement of the target price may be impeded by risks related to the subject securities and companies, as well as general market and economic conditions. W) 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1/11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 korean Hyundai Heavy Industries (W) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1/11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 Samsung Heavy Industries (W) 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1/11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (W) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1 /11 7/11 1/12 7/12 1/13 Hanjin Heavy I&C Analyst such Certification The research analysts who prepared this report (the „Analysts†°) are registered with the Korea Financial Investment Association and are subject to Korean marketable securities regulations. They are neither registered as research analysts in any other jurisdiction nor subject to the laws and regulations thereof.Except as otherwise specified herein, the Analysts have logical not received any compensation or any other benefits from the subject companies in the past 12 months and have not been promised the same in direct connection with this report.No part of the compensation of the Analysts was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this report but, like all employees of Daewoo Securities, the Analysts receive compensation that is impacted by overall firm profitability, which includes public revenues from, among other business units, the instituti onal equities, investment banking, proprietary trading and private client division. At the time of publication of try this report, the Analysts do not know or have reason to know of any actual, material conflict of interest of the Analyst or korean Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd.Information and pinions contained herein have been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and in good faith, but such information old has not been independently verified and Daewoo makes no guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, greater completeness or correctness of the information and opinions contained herein or of any translation into English from the Korean language. If this report is an English french translation of a report prepared in the Korean language, the original Korean language report may have been made available to investors in advance of this report. Daewoo, its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees and agents do not accept a ny liability for any loss arising letter from the use hereof. This report is for general information purposes only and it is not and should not be construed as an such offer or a solicitation of an offer to effect transactions in any securities or other financial instruments.

The price and value of the investments referred to in this report and the income from them may go down as well as up, and institutional investors may realize losses on any investments. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Future returns are not guaranteed, and a great loss of original capital may occur. Daewoo Securities Research 16 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Distribution United Kingdom: This report is being distributed by Daewoo Securities (Europe) Ltd.S. by Daewoo Securities (America) Inc. , a member of FINRA/SIPC, and is only intended for major institutional investors as defined in Rule 15a-6(b)(4) under the U. S.Any U. S. recipient of this document wishing to effect a transaction in any securities discussed herein should contact and same place orders with Daewoo Securities (America) Inc. , which accepts responsibility for the contents of this report in the U.S. or to U. S. ersons absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requi rements.